Hi, I’m
Camilla Monk.

I design books and websites.

I design eye-catching book covers.

And I love it. Tell me about your world, your characters, your vision, and let’s design the perfect cover to bring your book to life!

Price range: $250~$300 for a cover using royalty-free material. Drawn or painted cover art (like the Spotless covers) starts at $500.

The Breakup Doctor

Bedside Manners

Heart Conditions

Out of Practice


Beating Ruby

Crystal whisperer

Butterfly in Amber

Apache Strike Force

Island Chaptal and the Ancient Aliens’ Treasure


Spotless Japanese version

I build cutting-edge WordPress websites.

Author, an editor, or publisher: I design the perfect platform for you to advertise your products and services. All my websites feature sleek and responsive design; their content is easily editable and tailored for search-engine optimization.

I also connect your mailing list to your website for a seamless acqusition of new leads, and can develop easy-to-use online shops for your books and merchandise. Contact me for a quote.

“Camille was the first designer I’ve ever worked with who nailed something exactly right on the first proposal. In both cases I loved what she created, and all that had to be done was minor tweaks. She’s meticulous, creative, innovative, technically brilliant, and a delight to work with, not content until you are. And she’s so much more affordable than you expect from all that.”

Phoebe Fox, author of The Breakup Doctor series

Still, a novel by Camilla Monk

I design print interiors and e-books.

Let’s turn your manuscript into a finished book! I carefully design and format professional, ready-to-upload PDF interior files and epub & mobi files for you: all that’s left for you to do is to upload and distribute them on the markeplace of your choosing.

Price range for a 100K words manuscript formatted into an Epub and standard 6*9 paperback: $250-$300.

What can I do for you?

Let’s connect!


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