Tree of Life Giveaway

2023/05/09 23:59:59
Of blood & Light giveaway
Answer an easy question for a chance to win:
  • One of three signed, 6*9 hardcover copies of Of Blood & Light
  • One of five capybara plush toys.
  • One 18k gold-dipped pendant representing a tree of life. (22x20x2.5mm)

Participants may enter from 5/4/2023 to 5/9/2023. Winners will be announced on 5/12/2023


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Who claimed to have discovered Thule during Antiquity?
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Giveaway rules:
  • The giveaway is reserved for readers in the US and Canada.
  • Each participant may only submit one entry.
  • Participants must be over 18 or, if minor, have the permission of their legal guardian to enter the giveaway.
  • I make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the prizes pictured, but there may be slight variations in the shape and size of the prize compared to product shots.
  • Joining my mailing is optional and will not improve or decrease your chances of winning.
  • Participants may enter from  Thursday, May 4th, 2023, to Tuesday, May 9th, 2023. Winners will be announced on Thurdsay, May 12th, 2023.
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