Sugar-free sucralose Splenda chocolate pudding

Sugar-free Chocolate Pudding For Y’all Junkies Out-there

Camilla Monk designs sleek websites for book industry professionals and writes high-octane nonsense. She lives in Montréal, where she feeds the squirrels and tries to raise a toddler.

Sugar-free sucralose Splenda chocolate pudding

So, I recently embarked on a looooow-carb diet, which has me eating tuna salad boats every Goddamn day (I actually like them, but still…), but the one thing I could not give up was chocolate. 

Good thing I love to cook and I’m most resourceful when cornered: I came up with an awesome sugar-free chocolate pudding recipe, substituting the sugar for Sucralose (sold under the brand “Splenda®” in the US, but you can find cheaper, distributor-brand stuff, which is what I buy.)

Note: I use whipping cream for that extra creamy texture, so this dessert is 13% fat. I don’t consider it an issue since the rest of my diet is very reasonable. I’ve come to agree with the medical opinion that cutting off fat if you don’t ditch sugar won’t help you much: I’ve been losing steadily and fast by cutting most sugar and carbs from my diet but being cool about a dollop of mayo or a splash of whipping cream here and there. 😉

Now, without further ado:

This recipe serves approximately 6 small glass jars ( I  re-use yogurt ones and fill them with my pudding, which sounds like a line from my books.)

In a saucepan, whisk together:

  • 2 cups milk (I use 2% fat, lactose-free milk);
  • 1 cup whipping cream;
  • 10 tablespoons dutch-processed cocoa (Yes, I love a strong taste of chocolate. Feel free to lower the amount of cocoa if you want);
  • ½ teaspoon powdered vanilla beans (I’m sure vanilla extract works fine too, I’m just super bougie about my vanilla);
  • ¼ cup sucralose (Add another tablespoon if you’re addicted to sugar).

Bring the whole thing to a simmer and melt in 6 sheets of gelatin, or ½ tablespoon of agar, if you don’t eat meat/pork.

Let it simmer for 2 to 3 minutes until the mixture is perfectly smooth, then pour into your individual jars, or a big one if you’re making this recipe for the purpose of binging chocolate pudding alone in the dark while watching episodes of My 600-pound Life. (Anyone else low-key crushing on Dr. Now, by the way?)

Let it cool for at least four hours outside or in the fridge. Outside is obviously best since the hot jars will elevate the overall temp of your fridge and increase its energy consumption in order to bring the temperature back down. Since I live in Canadia, I just leave my jars out on the balcony until they’re cool, and only then do I store them in the fridge.

And that’s it!

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