You guys made it so hard to choose that I actually picked a number of runner-ups who’ll receive a print copy of the Butterfly in Amber July novella! And now, the three winners of a gift bag:
1) ARose, with this bleak summary of the first 3 books.
#explainspotlessbadly A woman’s quest to lose her virginity and the people who died in the process. No “happy ending” in parts 1-3.
— ARose (@AR0125) May 11, 2017
And, who, quite honestly deserves a special prize for research, too:
#explainspotlessbadly This > Cat In A Shark Costume Chases A Duck While Riding A Roomba via @YouTube
— ARose (@AR0125) May 11, 2017
2) Brenda, who reminds us that, sometimes, words simply aren’t enough.
#explainSpotlessBadly …So like this 💁🏻keeps getting 🔪💣💉🔫 by a variety of 👥's and taken 🌎🌍🌏in a plot to get 💪🏼👑💎💰. 👩🏻❤️💋an OCD 🔫👨🏼.
— Brenda Beasley Ellis (@rivr_gurl) May 7, 2017
3) Brooke, who tells the tale of a rollercoaster romance in alternative English.
😂😂😂….I'm so sorry #explainSpotlessBadly
— ネーキッド族応援団 (@MagicBrooke) May 9, 2017
And the (many) runner-ups are:
Cynthia, with the most poetic take on the challenge:
An Island gets swept away by November only to fall in love with March #explainSpotlessBadly
— Cynthia Lopez (@calogirl) May 7, 2017
Mjdyuka, who really paid attention to every detail:
OCD killer with sexy chest hair kidnapped a virgin lady who used to be able to stick a pen between her front teeth.— mjdyuka (@yukanagomin) May 12, 2017
Dandy, Les, Hemet, Avril, Nathaly and Nxweek, who actually explain the series quite well.
OCD hitman, virgin nerdling, intl travel, killer platypi, ostriches, badsexsloth, chest hair, stabby, shooty, KABOOMy #explainSpotlessBadly
— dandy (@dandylyons) May 8, 2017
A coder and killer battle her father, platypi, sloths, and her uncle to shag. #explainSpotlessBadly #actuallythatstotallyright
— Les Arms (@tiedot) May 14, 2017
Minty S. African cleans, crosswords & kills his way thru wicked lion broer to get hi-altitude virgin tech & an emu. #ExplainSpotlessBadly
— Hemet Neter (@hemetneter) May 13, 2017
Unrequited first love stuffs you in trunk, beats up your ex, "cleans" creepy uncle, to only steal your virginity. #explainSpotlessBadly
— Avril (@avrilfools) May 8, 2017
Computer geek falls in love with car-trunk-stuffer, OCD-neat-freak, ostrich-lover, curly-hair-chest killer. #explainSpotlessBadly
— Nathaly SV (@namsava) May 7, 2017
@camilla_monk Gap tooth chic falls for OCD killer while traveling world trying to lose her virginity. 2dads & crzy Fam #explainspotlessbadly
— Nxweek (@Nxweek) May 8, 2017
Hilda, who seriously found a remote-controlled mop…
A remote-controlled mop is every OCD hitman's dream. #explainSpotlessBadly
— Hilda Torres (@hc_torres) May 10, 2017
Emily, who’s absolutely right.
A story about how international space flight is literally easier than losing your virginity. #explainspotlessbadly @camilla_monk
— Emily (@thestoryofemily) May 22, 2017
And finally, Diksha, who sees the kink in all things.
#explainSpotlessBadly BDSM style – Heroine's Bondage, Hero’s OCDiscpline, Sty(i)sh dominance, sadomasochism of brother-duo & blue balls!😉
— Diksha Choudhary (@DiCey90) May 8, 2017
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Yay!!! These are all so good!!!